Risk Disclosure Statement

This statement does not disclose all risks and other important matters regarding precious metals (gold and silver).In view of the relevant risks, before starting precious metal trading, customers should clearly understand the nature and risk level of the transaction, and know that precious metal trading is not suitable for ordinary investors.Customers must carefully consider whether precious metal trading is suitable for customers based on relevant factors such as personal investment experience, purpose, financial status and risk tolerance.Customers should seek legal and other independent professional advice before opening an account and commencing trading.

1. Leverage effect

Trading precious metals and CFDs carries a considerable amount of risk.This type of transaction is a leveraged transaction, which means that through the leverage ratio, customers can control a very high amount of trading contracts with a very low initial margin.Even any movement in the market can have a dramatic effect on the funds that the customer has or will deposit, which may be good or bad for the customer.The customer has the opportunity to sustain losses on the initial margin and any additional funds deposited by the customer with the company in order to maintain the customer’s position.If the market changes are unfavorable to the customer or the margin level increases, the customer has the opportunity to fail to add margin in time to maintain the customer’s position and is forced to close the position in the case of a loss, and the customer will be responsible for the resulting loss.

2. Directives to reduce risk

Orders that limit losses to a certain amount (such as ‘stop-limit’ orders) may not be effective or executable.If the order is a stop-limit order, there is no guarantee that the order will be executed at the limit price or will be executed.In addition, some strategies that use position consolidation, such as spread or the same price, may have the same risks as a single ‘long’ or ‘short’ position.

Risks arising from other precious metals and CFD trading

3. Terms and Conditions of Precious Metals and CFD Trading

Customers must clearly understand the terms and conditions of trading precious metals and CFDs and their obligations.

4. Electronic Transactions

Transactions conducted through electronic trading systems may be subject to delays in the transmission and receipt of customer instructions or other information, delays in the execution of customer orders or execution of their instructions at a price different from those issued by the customer, and communications facilities may There is a failure or transmission is interrupted.Customers will be exposed to the risks associated with this system, including hardware and software failures. A system failure may cause the customer’s order to be difficult to execute according to the customer’s instructions, or even impossible to execute at all.Therefore, the customer acknowledges and accepts that electronic transmission is not necessarily a reliable method of communication due to unforeseen communication blockages or other reasons, and the customer bears the risks of misunderstandings, errors and all associated with the communication.

5. Trading Facilities

Most electronic trading facilities are supported by computer-based systems that process trade order routing, execution, matching, registration and trade settlement. Such systems are susceptible to temporary failures.Customers’s ability to recover certain losses may be subject to the limited liability of system providers, marketplaces, clearing houses, etc. These limited liability may vary.

6. Exchange over-the-counter transactions

In some jurisdictions, and only in limited circumstances, firms may be permitted to conduct over-the-counter transactions where the firm that trades for the customer may be the customer’s counterparty.WCG Markets (HK) Limited is the customer’s direct counterparty in many precious metal and CFD transactions. WCG Markets (HK) Limited reserves the right to refuse to accept or guarantee any order. So closing a position, assessing value, determining a fair price, or assessing risk may be difficult or impossible. For these reasons, such transactions may involve greater risk. OTC transactions may be less regulated or subject to a different regulatory regime. Customers should clearly understand the applicable regulations and associated risks before starting to trade.

7. Suspension or Restriction of Transactions and Pricing

Market conditions and/or the operating regulations of certain markets (such as any precious metals and CFD trading suspensions due to market closures) may increase the risk of customer losses as the opportunity to complete trade orders or close positions has become very difficult. difficult or impossible.In addition, the normal price relationship between the underlying asset and precious metals and CFDs may not exist, and there is no reference price for the underlying asset, making it difficult to assess or determine a ‘fair’ price.

8. Transactions in other jurisdictions

Transactions in other jurisdiction markets, including those formally connected to local markets, may expose customers to additional risks. Investors may receive different or even reduced protections under those market regulations.Before commencing trading, customers should inquire about any regulations relating to customer transactions and understand the remedies available in their own location and in other jurisdictions.

9. Deposited cash and property

Customers must acknowledge that there are risks associated with placing money or other property in the custody of WCG Markets (HK) Limited, its representatives or its licensors. Customers should be familiar with the various safeguards regarding money and property deposited by customers for local or foreign transactions, especially if the company faces financial distress or bankruptcy.The extent to which a customer can recover cash and property is subject to specific legislation or local rules or may be significantly delayed. This is a risk that customers must be prepared to take.

10. Arrangements for deposits made by customers other than themselves

In order to protect the safety of customer funds and prevent bad customers from conducting money laundering and other illegal activities, WCG Markets (HK) Limited makes the following provisions:

WCG Markets (HK) Limited does not accept deposits from non-personal (third-party) bank accounts. WCG Markets (HK) Limited reserves the right to investigate, verify and reject the customer’s account of non-personal (third-party) account.If the customer uses an account other than his name to deposit funds and fails to submit the third-party account certification information, WCG Markets (HK) Limited has the right to immediately freeze the customer account for investigation, prohibit all transactions on his account, and has the full right to deal with the customer account as follows:

1. If the customer account has never conducted any transaction, WCG Markets (HK) Limited will deduct 10% of all third-party deposits as a reasonable operating cost, and return the balance to the deposit bank account;

2. If any transaction has been performed on the customer’s account, all transactions and offers (including spread rebates, bonuses, etc.) from WCG Markets (HK) Limited from third-party deposits will be cancelled.After deducting 10% of all third-party deposits as reasonable operating costs, return the balance to the deposit bank account;

3. For the above situations, WCG Markets (HK) Limited may, at its discretion, report the relevant incident to any relevant regulatory agency or law enforcement agency. At the same time, the company has the right to immediately freeze the corresponding customer account and prohibit all transactions, and report relevant incidents to any relevant regulatory agency or law enforcement agency at its discretion.

11. Trading Commissions and Other Charges

Customers should understand all commissions, fees and other charges that customers will pay before they start trading. These charges will affect the customer’s possible profit or increase the customer’s loss. The customer understands that the precious metal account is not for deposit purposes and has no interest income.

12. Account Use

If there is no transaction in the trading account for three consecutive months, our company will automatically close the account.

Customer warning

This agreement is legally binding, please review it carefully.

About opening an account with the company to engage in speculation and/or purchase, and/or selling of spot precious metals through the OTC market of precious metals (hereinafter referred to as 「OTCGOLD」), the customer confirms that he has understood the following factors related to leveraged OTCGOLD trading and the risk disclosure statement provided to the customer.

1. OTCGOLD trading is only suitable for professional institutions or people with rich investment experience, whose financial situation may be able to withstand losses far beyond the value of margin or deposit.

2. OTCGOLD’s business does not require an open outcry. While many venues trade on computer-based systems that provide quoted and actual prices, these two prices may deviate due to illiquidity in the market.Many electronic trading facilities are supported by computer-based systems for ordering, executing, and matching trades, and they are susceptible to temporary system failures. Customer’s ability to recover certain losses may be subject to the limits of liability set by the system provider, banks and/or other financial institutions, which may vary.

3. In the OTCGOLD market, the company does not only trade outside the exchange. WCG Markets (HK) Limited, the company that conducts transactions for customers, may be the counterparty to customer transactions in many precious metal transactions.Circumstances that may arise, including closing a position, assessing value, determining fair value, or assessing risk disclosure would be difficult or impossible. For these reasons, such transactions may involve greater risk. OTC transactions may be less regulated or subject to a different regulatory regime. Before starting to trade, customers should understand the applicable regulations and associated risks.

4. If the customer engages in trading in any electronic market, the customer will face risks associated with the electronic trading system, including failure of hardware or software.System failures may cause customers’ orders to be difficult to execute according to their instructions or not to be executed at all.

5. The customer confirms that the purchase or sale of precious metals includes delivery, and each spot transaction is automatically credited to the customer’s account.For all sales and purchase contracts that require physical delivery, the customer must notify the company in writing and get the company to confirm that the recipient is valid when placing the order.The time and place of settlement will be determined by market practice or the Company’s discretion. The company has the absolute discretion to refuse to execute any order from the customer, and never has to give the customer a specific explanation or reason for the refusal to execute the order.

6. The company cannot guarantee the credibility of the customer’s counterparty. The company only endeavors to conduct transactions with reputable and reliable institutions and clearing houses.In addition, the company may stop precious metal trading due to liquidity problems, so that the customer cannot close the losing position in time, which may bring considerable losses to the customer. The company will not take any responsibility for these losses.

7. The company’s margin policy may require customers to provide additional funds to maintain their margin accounts, and customers are obliged to meet such margin requirements.Otherwise, the position may be automatically closed and corresponding losses will be incurred. The company also reserves the right to refuse to accept orders or to provide market hedging.

8. If any non-employees of the company (hereinafter referred to as ‘third parties’) provide customers with any information or advice on precious metals, the company cannot control or guarantee the accuracy and completeness of precious metals, and the company will never accept any No responsibility is assumed for any damages resulting from the use of this information or advice.

9. If the customer entrusts the transaction authorization or the management of his account to a third party, whether in an autonomous or non-autonomous way, the company will never be responsible for the choice made by the customer.
The company does not make any representations or warranties to the third party related to the transaction; the company is not responsible for the loss to the customer due to the behavior of the third party in the transaction. Therefore, if the customer authorizes a third party to manage his account, the customer must bear all the associated risks.If the customer does not have the consent of the company to authorize the transaction or hand over the management of his account to a third party, the company reserves the right to cancel all or part of the transaction related to the account without prior notice to the customer.

10. Customers should fully comply with the relevant local laws, including obtaining the consent of the government or relevant regulatory agencies in order to comply with any other procedures that must be complied with in such regions or jurisdictions, as well as payment due to the use of the company’s platform for transactions. Any applicable local taxes, duties and other amounts.Transactions made by a customer on the company’s platform will be deemed to be a statement and assurance that the customer has complied with local laws and regulations to the company. If the customer is in doubt about the relevant situation, the customer should seek legal and other independent professional advice before opening an account and starting a transaction.

11. All customers must be aware that any returns are non-guaranteed. Furthermore, the Company is not responsible for any representations or warranties made by the Company, its employees and/or affiliates.