Personal Data Privacy Policy

The company’s personal data privacy policy is to protect the interests of customers in accordance with the ‘Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance’. When the company uses customer data to provide its best service, it will also pay great attention to the arrangements for the use of its customer data. The company will strive to fully comply with the personal data protection requirements in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. To this end, the Company will ensure that its employees comply with the stringent standards of security and confidentiality required by law.

(A) All personal data collected by the company are only used for the company’s business operations and other related activities;

(B) The company is committed to ensuring that the website is secure and compliant with industry standards, and uses other data protection tools such as firewalls, authentication systems (passwords and personal ID numbers, etc.) and control mechanisms to control unauthorized system access and storage. take data;

(C) The company will store the customer’s personal data confidentially to protect the customer’s personal data from being stolen. The company’s employees will also respect the customer’s privacy and will never disclose any data to unauthorized persons;

(D) Customers may from time to time access and amend personal data about them kept by the Company;

(E) The customer agrees that the company will disclose all customer data (and other data) to regulatory authorities and other government agencies in accordance with the requirements of any law or regulatory authority;

(F) The customer agrees that the company will disclose the customer’s personal information to the relevant institutions as proof of identity verification when the customer makes deposits and withdrawals through the payment gateway in accordance with the arrangement of the online payment system policy;

(G) The company may set and access the company’s cookies on the customer’s computer to help the company analyze and understand the effect of relevant marketing strategies. The company and its employees may use cookies in the company’s products and services to track customer browsing on the company’s website, the information collected and shared is anonymous and cannot be individually identified;

(H) When the customer agrees that the company provides services to the customer service, the company may authorize some companies not affiliated with the company to use the customer’s personal information, including companies that provide services on behalf of the company in the form of contracts, such as making and mailing monthly statements. companies, software companies that maintain and develop data processing, etc. These companies authorized by the company must keep the personal data of customers confidential. The company will do everything possible to ensure that the personal data it collects from customers is properly stored in the storage system, and only authorized employees or companies providing services on behalf of the company can access the information, but given the open and global nature of the Internet , the company may not be able to protect and keep confidential customer personal data from deliberate interference by third parties. Anyone who browses the web pages operated by others through the company’s website, the customer’s personal data is not within the protection scope of the company’s personal data privacy policy. Use of data in direct marketing The company/group intends to use customer data for direct marketing for which the company/group requires the customer’s consent (including no objection). In this regard, please note:

(A) the company/group may use customer name, contact details, product and service portfolio data, transaction patterns and behavior, financial background and demographic information held by the company for direct marketing;

(B) may be used to promote the following categories of services, products and promotional objects;

a. Financial, wealth management, investment and related services and products;

b. Rewards, preferential programs and related services and products;

c. Services and products provided by any member of the company/group and brand partners (the names of such brand partners will be listed on the application form for the relevant services and products, as the case may be); and for charitable and/or donations and donations for non-profit-making purposes;

(C) The above-mentioned services, products and promotional subjects may be provided or solicited by the company/group and/or the following parties: a. any member, partner and associate of the group; b. third-party financial institutions, investment service providers merchants, reward and privilege program providers, and co-branding providers; and charitable or non-profit organizations;

(D) In ​​addition to promoting the above-mentioned services, products and promotional objects, the Company/Group also intends to The data referred to in paragraph (A) is provided to all or any of the persons referred to in paragraph (C) above for use by such persons in the promotion of such services, products and the subject matter of the promotion, for which purpose the Company/Group shall Obtain written consent from the customer (including expressing no objection); If the customer does not want the company/group to use his data as described above or provide the data to others for direct marketing purposes, the customer may notify the company/group to exercise his or her option to refuse the promotion.